Projects, projects, projects

What a day!

Chaos was the name of the game today. We were fired up and ready to work this morning, only to find out that the house we were supposed to work on was assigned to another group. So, back to headquarters find find another project. Everyone says that it is not unusual for these types of areas. There is so much work to be done and so many groups in and out of the area that some details are missed or information confused.

As you can imagine, my OCD self waivers on the edge of hyperventilation. Does it surprise anyone that I started to tell God about organization and give Him my suggestions for how this might go better... didn't think so! Finally off to work site #1!! According to the homeowners, there were 10 people and 4 generations in the home. The yards were full of trash and house itself was not much better. As we sat awaiting our orders, it was hard not to grab a trash bag and start with some type of clean up. Again, it was my OCD talking and not God. Final decision, the work would required 2 men and two women. So, we left Kirk, Dirk, Connie and Mallory behind and prepared to move on to the next site.

Site #2 was a lovely home. So much work had been done, but there was a bathroom to finish and flooring to lay. The home owner has health concerns and cannot be around during any of the sanding or painting. So, there would be little interaction there, which is disappointing. As the team met with project coordinators, we waited for assignments...more delays. (**side note: the second house is located next to a tavern. As we waited, a man exiting the bar waved and hollered "Thank you!" It was sweet, but also a sad reminder that we had not actually done anything yet). A neighbor came and introduced herself. She was very appreciative of our willingness to help. She owned the bar next door and told us all we could stop in anytime and have bartender give us something to drink (nonalcoholic, of course!). She was a blessing and a treat. Final decision... 2 men (Kraig and Paul W, plus our friend Sammy whom I will introduce you to later), 2 women (Joan and Mary) and Tyce at this site. Mike, Paul D and Kelly would go to site 3 to redo electrical that had not passed an earlier inspection. That left Reagan, Cerela and me. Rea and CC would go to a fourth site and work with a team of 6 from New York. Yep, you guessed it, that left me!

I would be driving around our project manager, Harry (another person I will talk at length about later) to various sites to deliver people and supplies. Yep, my job for the day, taxi driver. I tried to have a good attitude, but it was a struggle, I won't lie. I wanted to be knee deep somewhere...ANYwhere! Et me make a DIFFERENCE!!!!!

God spoke again, 'arms wide open!' UGH!!! Really? My own words coming back to haunt me? So unfair!!! But there it was... either embrace it or let you bad attitude define you. I chose to follow, and it was a blessing!

No idea what tomorrow will hold, but I intend to intentionally follow Gods lea!

Thank you Lord for the blessings and opportunities of today. May I be a blessing to someone else tomorrow, no matter what the circumstance!


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