
I am laying here knowing that in just a few short hours, we will be headed back to Michigan and a piece of my heart will remain behind. I came on this trip expecting to be exhausted physically (after all, I am used to sitting in front of a computer, not wielding a drill) but I never expected to be so emotional over leaving. I can truly say that I have made friends here that hold a piece of my heart for lifetime!

The Tate family has been so gracious and caring from the second we met them. They have gone out of their way to express thanks, that I don't deserve. I should thank them. Their kind words and gracious attitudes make me want to be a better person. To treat others with love and kindness and never take a day for granted

Sammy has inspired me to love my family with my whole heart every day!

Harry has inspired me to work hard and love my Country. Put polotics and differences aside and love the land where we live; free to worship, work and play.

Pastor Seth has inspired me to fight for what I believe in!

Pastor Dawn has inspired me to give back and embrace those in need.

Pastor Scott has inspired me with encouragement, which is something I need to work on with others in my life.

My children have inspired me beyond measure. They give, smile, work, encourage and love with everything they have. They make me want to be more than who I am today. I want to be the mother they deserve!

I walk away from this trip feeling transformed. Transformed by the grace of God and transformed by those that hold the pieces of my heart. I am BLESSED!!!


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