One more day.....

As I typed the title just now, I cannot decide if I am happy or sad. There is a part of me that longs for the comforts of home. I miss the smell, the privacy, the general comforts that my home provides; not to mention the people that are there. Brings tears to my eyes as I think about my oldest, my parents, my in-laws, friends and even my dog. I cannot wait to hug them all and share everything that we have experienced.

But then, there is that part of me that finds such purpose here. I am stepping onto the path that God has called me to. There is real joy in that! To be honest, and I try to be 100% here (remember: 'good, bad and cranky') I sometimes have a hard time hearing Gods voice at home. Not because Hs isn't talking, but because I am not listening. The busyness of life takes over and my hearing is clutter with to-do lists far too long to fit into one day. I will miss that feeling of purpose, living completely into Gods will all day long.

What's a girl to do? Live that last day to the fullest, I guess :). So we will hit our projects hard. Watch out New Jersey... here we come!!!

Of the projects our group has worked on, none are very near completion. I am not sure how I feel about that, other than the fact that our small goals will be satisfied by the end of tomorrow's work day.

House #1 has a working shower, sub flooring is in and a new exhausts fan has been installed!!

House #2 has a working shower, new flooring in the living room and kitchen and the bathroom has been sanded, primed, painted and then remodeled :)

House #3 was resided to electrical inspection minus two outlets that were not accounted for on the hardware list.

House #4 has been insulated, drywalled, mudded, taped, sanded and hopefully primed!!

House #5 has been sanded, patched, primed and painted with a second coat going on in the morning

House #6 has the foundation work complete and a support wall being built and installed tomorrow!

I wasn't sure that would sound like much, but it is a pretty impressive list!! Working with God produces incredible results!!!


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