Friends???....Nope, FAMILY!!!

Today was a beautiful day... not the weather, since it was in the low 40s and extremely windy; the people!!

We started another project today, which is #5 for the group and met the most amazing family. Theirs is a story of faith, love and family!! I will forever hold them in my prayers. Life has not been easy, but they are truly blessed. The love they share is evident in their interactions with one another and with the world at large. It was a true privilege to be welcomed into their lives, if only for a short time. They have given me a glimpse of what I can only pray that others would see in our family, an undeniable faith in God and an abounding love for one another. Thank you Harriet, John, Kayla and Brandon!!! And the doughnuts were great too :)

" cup runneth over..." After dinner tonight I had the pleasure to spending some time with our new friend (scratch that, brother) Sammy. But first some introductions ...

Sammy is a beautiful man who came to this country from Kenya. He arrived two years ago seeking political asylum, because his family feared that the Kenyan government might cause him harm if he remained. So, Sammy left his country, his mother, his four year old daughter and two month pregnant wife for the US. Sammy's wife miscarried shortly after and his mother passed away. Heart breaking to hear him tell the story, but the smile never leaves his face and joy never leaves his eyes. How can someone who has seen so much be so loving and joy-filled? Sammy loves The Lord! No, Sammy ADORES The Lord and counts each day, each breath, as a gift.

...anyway, like I was saying I was able to sit and talk with Sammy after dinner tonight. He is such an encouragement to us all. Each time I talk with him I come away feeling blessed beyond measure... he exudes joy and love from every pore!!! Tonight he wanted to tell me, for maybe the hundredth time today, how much he loved my family. He compliments my children constantly about their smiles, their hard work or their positive attitudes. (Yep, I am crying right now!!). What a gift!

I am amazed each day by Gods graciousness. He has placed us here to serve with Him in the midst of tragedy and devastation; but we come away blessed beyond measure! Thank you Lord that my family that is with me, thank you for my family across the country, thank you for our church family back home praying for us, and thank you for the newest member of our extended family here in New Jersey. They have touched my soul in ways that mere words cannot express!


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