Angels in New York

Wow, what a day!! For those of you who know me well, I am rarely without something to say. Well, looking back over the day... I am speechless! ( I heard you say 'finally'!!). Lets review...

This morning, it was obvious this was no ordinary sunday morning. I know that seems comically obvious since we are sleeping in sunday school rooms, getting ready in public bathrooms and are a thousand miles from home; but it was more than that. I was just in a little funk. To tell the truth I was deeply saddened at the fact that not only would our physical family not be together on the Holiest of Holy days, I knew I would miss our church family as well. I would miss our pastor and his ability to immerse me in the stories so deeply and passionately that time slips away and I feel like I smell the dust on the feet of the Rabi. I would miss our music and that feeling I get when I fight to keep from dancing in the aisles with joy. I would miss hugs and handshakes from the people my heart now truly considers my family, the people who see my flaws and weaknesses and chose to love me in spite of myself. And I would miss the pieces of my heart that were left behind, Ashtyn and my parents, they would not hugged or kissed or smiled at today. These were the things that weighed on my heart as hair was curled, makeup was applied and clothes were readied to observe the day that defines me more than any other... not off to a fantastic start, I know!!!

Not to worry, it didn't last long!! As we were ready, we made our way to the gathering room where preparations were under way for the between service potluck. Reagan and I made our way to the kitchen in search of hot water for her mocha mix, and met Annie, the first angel of the day. She helped us find what we were looking for and when asked if there was anything they needed help with told me she wasn't sure (she doesn't attend the church often, but tends to show up when food is involved to lend some extra hands). Moments later her father returned list in hand and I was put to work... now this felt familiar!!! This I understood, this was comfort!

When the brunch was nearly set, we made our way to the sanctuary. It was beautiful, but I still wasn't sure how this Midwest, small town girl fit in here. But, we were blessed by the reception we were given. The sermon was amazing! The music moving! The congregation welcoming and warm! At one point during the service some of the children stood along the walls, surrounding the congregation and sang quietly as we prayed. I looked around the room at the rainbow of faces around me listening to those sweet, soft voices, this is a glimpse of heaven! It literally moved me to tears!!

Shortly after brunch, a few members of our work team decided to head into 'the city'. Yep, we were headed to New York with a list of 'want to sees' in hand. This was about to get interesting :) I wish I could tell you everything we saw, every step we took and every character we met, but that would take until morning. So let me instead introduce you to some angels that touched me today. We will save the rest for when we can sit in person :)

Angel #1, I affectionately call Sesame. She is a subway operator. We met her as we entered the subway on our way to Ground Zero and the 9/11 Memorial. Our first impression was a little scary. As we debated whether or not this was the correct train that could get us where we were going, she literally stuck her head out the window and yelled 'GET ON THE TRAIN!!! HURRY UP AND GET ON THE TRAIN!!!' Well, we are nothing if not obedient, we got on the train, QUICKLY! As we arrived at the next station, we proceeded to depart and walk to the memorial, but a familiar voice was beckoning 'WHAT ARE YOU DOING? THIS IS NOT YOUR STOP! GET BACK ON THE TRAIN!' Again, we obeyed :). This time as we rode the voice got a face. 'Sesame' came and talked to us. She had been told where we were going and she explained to us how we should get there. She saved us lots of time and energy by caring enough to set a group of strangers on the correct path. I called her sesame because as we talked about the doors and the train itself she told that she is the only one that can open and shut the doors. That is her responsibility (kinda like 'open sesame')

The next angel (or angels) appeared during the visit to St Johns Chapel and the 9/11 Memorial. They appear at every turn, from the 200 year old headstones of children grieved by patents long ago to the names carved in metal barriers surrounding the reflecting pools that now fill the empty footprints of the North and South towers. Angels reach out at every turn, touching your heart in ways that are almost inexplicable. (Yep, you guessed it... crying again!)

The last angel I will introduce you to came in the oddest of places... Burger King. Yep, you read that right. The manager of Burger King. As we entered the building with one sole purpose (the restroom) it became something odd and lively at the same time :) We followed the sign the read "restrooms up stairs" but were greeted with voice calling "I need to see a receipt folks in order to go upstairs". Huh??? Yep, really. So, two of the group, being obedient and ready to please, headed to the registers to purchase unwanted drinks, the rest of the group headed out the door and down the block. I stood in the gap panicked that the group was no longer together and fearing separation. It was then that my voice began to fill the room, "CONNIE!!! CONNIE!!! CONNIE THEY ALL LEFT!!!" The manager said "Who is Connie? Is this Connie? Well Connie, come with me" and lead her around the corner. She was going to use the employee bathroom :). As the group returned, he lead another member of 'Connie's family' to the same location. As we waited, I watched the 'receipt' conversation take place over and over and over again. But I quickly realized that this was not a bathroom nazi, but a businessman protecting his business. He was also a man with an infectious smile, a playful spirit and a heart for children. He was firm and kind and funny! (He jokingly called Connie his prom date that had stood him up). He gave us the much needed laugh after the emotional visit to 9/11.

There are so many, many things I could say about today, but let me close with this. I promised God that I would enter this week with my arms open wide. Today, God said they weren't wide enough. I was passing judgement on first impressions. I was ready to stamp others as something God had not prepared them to be. God placed angels in my day and stretched my arms and my heart even bigger! I pray these are lessons that are not quickly forgotten!


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