Enough is enough!

Okay, so I blocked some friends following the election.  Not because I am so devoted to our new president, I am rather ambiguous really, but because I was sick of people on both sides complaining, boasting and being just down right ridiculous.  I was sick of my news feed being nothing but bashing and negativity.  Well, a couple months have passed and I wanted to know what everyone was up to....wrong answer!!  The bashing and (excuse me a moment) bitching hasn't stopped.  REALLY PEOPLE!?!?

The time has come, and gone really in my humble opinion, to let it go.  I am not just talking to the people protesting the Trump presidency...I am also talking to those that want to pat him on the back for having done nothing but getting elected.  It is time to move on already!

For those of you protesting his presidency and all the hate he has created.  Let's take a breath and remember that he did not create hate anymore than Al Gore created the Internet.

For those of you patting him on the back for turning this country around. Breathe and realize that he has done nothing to make a financial or legal impact on this country any more than Ronald Reagan did when he stepped into office and the hostages were released.

Whatever you are hating or loving him for... let it go.  He didn't do it.

We claim to want a united nation.  A nation that will make itself great once again.  If that is the dream, once embraced by both sides of the aisle, then now is the time to put your pettiness away and actually DO something.  Now, I am talking about holding a cardboard sign and shouting obscenities or beating your chest and berating someone else.  I mean, now is the time to grab a hammer and build something, grab an apron and serve a meal or simple shut up and smile.  Now is the time to WORK towards being the society we want.  Stop waiting for someone to 'make it happen' and be that someone.

BTW, I didn't unfriend those people, because despite what they post, we are still friends.  I just get a little nauseated sometimes and need a break from the BS.

Soap box rescinded, go back about your daily lives.
