
We had our last planning meeting for the Jamaica mission trip yesterday.  So many months of planning, preparing and praying and we are less than a week away.... where has the time gone? ...

So many ask if you are ready... if you are excited.. and what you are most excited about... I wish I knew how to respond. I am a pretty anxious person by nature (guess that is why Phil 4:6 is my life verse) and stepping into situations I have little or not control over or even a solid plan for set my nerves on end.  I haven't been sleeping great, my stomach is in a constant state of turmoil and I have the overwhelming urge to sit down and cry.

God, are you sure you have the right girl for this job? Maybe the lines got crossed and I somehow received someone else's call... maybe it wasn't you at all... maybe it was my desire all along... So many, many doubts and questions run through my brain almost constantly.  Are they the voices of reason or are they the whispers of the evil one looking to destroy my confidence in Your call? I wish I could discern your voice above all the others.  Time to turn to your word and dwell in your presence...

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9

I stand amazed! Knowing exactly what I need to hear and leading me there.  I do hear Your voice among the pages of Your book. I wish I would turn to you first, not after I have struggled.

Thank you Lord for your constant grace and peace!
