The Year of the The Word!

Well, its that time of year again.  Time to make a list of resolutions that I will likely break within the first month, giving me a little more ammunition to use to hold myself hostage in the land of self loathing just a little bit longer....Yep, my favorite time of year.  It is supposed to be the time of year to start over, but I seem to spend much of January taking inventory of all the ways I have let me myself down and reviewing just how much older I am than the year before.  So much for the clean slate.... but maybe it is time to change that.  Maybe this is the year to stop making resolutions, stop beating myself up for not being the perfect mom, wife, daughter, sister, aunt, friend or just over-all human being.  Maybe it is time to just set my sights on the Lord and do my very best, my very HUMAN best to follow His leading.

I know... easier said that done.  But that goes without saying.  Of course this doesn't really let me off the hook.  I am still overweight and need desperately to lose some weight.  I still want to learn sign language this year.  I still want to read the Bible more, pray more, serve more.  But no numbers!  No numbers on the scale will let me know if I am worthy.  No set number of minutes praying or in the word will justify or sanctify my faith.  No number of lessons will define my success.  Instead, I will cut myself some slack for those days when life gets so busy that the treadmill gets neglected.  It isn't going anywhere and neither am I.  There is always tomorrow, and that is okay.

This is the year of the 'word'.  I am going to give myself one word to work on this year and that will be the focus.  So, what will that one word be?  The word that will define my year?  Drumroll please....... LISTEN. 

Yep, that simple.  I will listen...  Listen when others talk (I am not always the best at that). Listen to my body and what it needs (and there is a difference between want and need... cookies are not a NEED!)  Listen to my family (sometimes those closest get the least time)  And listen to God (this one will definitely take some work)  If I want the Lord to lead, I have to listen and not let my desires get in the way.  Most days I want to tell God what I want and how I want it to happen, I guess that is what makes me a Type A personality.  And most days I forget to listen to what God wants.  One of  my greatest faults, (lets be honest, there are lots!)

So there you have it, my take on the new year and the hated New Year's Resolutions.  So, is my New Year's Resolution not to make anymore resolutions?  Hmmmmm.....


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