Inadequacies and Assurances

Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. (James 5:16 NIV)

Have you ever sat in a room, looked around and "there is no way I measure up here" or. "I don't belong because I am....too stupid.... too sinful.... too fat.... too old.... too whatever".  I have. Pretty often really. 

It just so happens that I had that very thought tonight. As I stand in an auditorium full of the women of God, I feel so out of place. If only they knew... would they still accept me? Would they still love me? Would they forgive me?  Hard to say. And that is scary.

There are days when I cruise through life knowing that God has forgiven me and all is well. Then there are those days of doubt. Those are the days my confidence faulters. Those are the days I feel inadequate. Those are days... just like today. 

So these are the days I pray for the reassurace that only The Lord can give. 


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