This is the Stuff

Have you ever been half listening to radio, driving along, when all of a sudden, a song catches you by total surprise.; you grab the know and turn it up, nearing the 'blow the speakers' stage so you can focus on the lyrics; and you think "THIS IS ABOUT ME!!!"

I had the revelation the other day.  The song...."This is the Stuff" by Francesca Battistelli.  If you have heard the song, you know, this may not be the most flattering life anthem of all time.  It is a song about all the 'stuff' that gets under your skin.  Of course, the song barely scratches the surface of the list in my life.  Yep, that's me a list of things that seem to drive me crazy... from people on their phone in the check-out line, to all the negative nellies that air ALL their laundry on social media... and lets not forget the oh so annoying misuse of to, two and too.... to sum it up, I can be a bit petty (and that is putting it mildly, just ask my husband).

Where this song really slams me up against the wall and wags it's proverbial finger in my face is when it says "So, break me of impatience, Conquer my frustrations, I've got a new appreciation, It's not the end of the world...."  REALLY??  Break me of impatience.... you mean no more tailgating or huffing at the slowest driver on the freeway... Conquer my frustrations... but that would mean accepting the person in front of me at the deli that samples all the salads, changes their order five times and finally walks away with nothing... I am not sure I am up for this!  I am all about serving the Lord.  In fact nothing is more fulfilling that serving others in the name of the Lord.  But this, THIS is a lot to ask.  Isn't it?

Okay, not really.  Given that Jesus could endure being beaten, scorned and hung on a cross to die; this is pretty minor.  Guess I can give it a go.  Time to practice breathing deep and knowing that every person on earth, regardless of religion, race, gender or nationality is a child of God.  Putting that spin on how I view others will help me treat each and every one in a different way, I think.  After all, God doesn't make mistakes, so that person was created with the care, grace and love of our Heavenly Father.  What they chose to do from there is irrelevant, they were created by the God I love, and therefore, they are His masterpiece.

I know, easier said than done. But, I guess there really isn't anything easy about a life lived for Jesus.  There is challenge, struggle and the inevitable human stumble; but there is also grace, love and forgiveness that makes it worth trying.  I want to live my life to honor my Creator and in order to do that, I must live by what he commands; not just pick and chose the things I think are easy and manageable.  I must follow Him ALWAYS in ALL that I do.  So, say a pray for my impatience and frustration.  Who knows, after this maybe I won't be quite as cranky a princess :)
