The Positivity Campaign

The alarm goes off.... again.  UGH!  Time to climb from bed and start my daily routine.  Shower, hair, Facebook, make-up, Instagram, get dressed, Twitter and off to work I go.  Yep, I am a social media junkie.  I can't help myself...I have to check, I have to read, I have to know what people are posting and talking about. 

I started to notice that what people were posting was beginning to effect my day.  I could read a Bible verse that someone posted and it was a day colored with the grace of Gods wisdom.  But, then there were the days that the first thing I read was a post bashing Christianity or berating some politician or another.  Those were the days that my heart started racing, my blood pressure shot through the roof and my teeth clenched...those were the days that I was at my worst.  My temper was short, my words sharp and my attitude on edge.

How ridiculous am I?  I let the words and attitudes of other effect my entire day.  That was when the light bulb went on.  If the attitudes of others can effect my day, can my attitude and posts have the same effect?  Why not try and make someone else's day just a tiny bit better, after all, isn't that what I was created for?

Thus, my personal positivity campaign began.  Today, you can see on my Facebook, Instagram and Twitter accounts only positive quotes, thoughts and pictures.  It may seem trivial at best, but in my own small way, I am being the change I hope to see in the world.

What difference has it made?  I am not really sure.  But, I can tell you this; it has changed me.  I no longer spend my mornings wrapped in the negativity of others.  I start my day in a positive space.  That doesn't mean that things never go wrong or that I never lose my temper... just ask my family.  It simply means that I am trying to be the change I want to see in the world.


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