A Rant About Humanity (and the lack thereof) ...

It has been a while again, and for that I am oh so sorry!  Life in general has blown up to a point I feel like I am struggling to keep up most days.  That being said, today seemed like the perfect day for a rant about manners and those that don't seem to have any.

It seems to me that with the growth of social media, there has been an overall deterioration of human kindness and politeness.  My husband and I have noticed the slide for years as people fail to hold doors for one another, take up an entire aisle at the grocery store without even an acknowledgement that someone else exists, or people replying to a 'thank you' with 'yep' or 'sure' instead of the cursory 'you're welcome'.  But, as social media continues to explode, it seems as though these outlets have become a place to air your thoughts, etc. without a care of who might be offended or hurt.  Let me take a moment to be the voice of reason and say "THAT'S NOT OKAY!"

While I am all for the freedom of speech and your right as a human being to have thoughts, feelings and preferences; this DOES NOT give you the right to demean, degrade or discount others.  It just DOESN'T!!!  Certain rules should still apply here and in society in general.  Because you have a thought, does not automatically mean that it should be shared with the masses.  I feel this on a number of fronts, so before you lump me in with the 'bible thumpers' or 'the conservative right' or whatever group you think I should belong to, let me tell you that this belief supersedes faith, politics, generation, gender or race.  It is simply a belief in human kindness - plain and simple.

My mother once told me that if I didn't have anything nice to say, then I shouldn't say anything at all.  Where did that rule go?  Did someone just wake up one day and decide to change the rules of the game halfway through?  Well, I want to change it back!!!  I want people to consider others feeling, thoughts and opinions as equal to their own.  Many will sling hatred, and claim it as a RIGHT based on the first amendment, All the while, failing to read and research what that right governs, and what it DOESN'T.  The first amendment says:  "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."  But, other laws have been passed to protect the rights for authors and inventors over their works and discoveries (copyright and patent), protection from imminent or potential violence against particular persons (restrictions on fighting words and threats), or the use of untruths to harm others (slander). So, what about those rights?  But, this isn't even about RIGHTS so to speak, it is just a complaint about the decline of HUMANITY.

My faith governs much of what I think about actions, lifestyles and decisions made by others, but that doesn't give me the RIGHT to be mean, vindictive, hateful or judgemental.  Quite the opposite, it calls me to love beyond them.  So, why I am hated, ridiculed and belittled because of that?

Let me tell you what I think it is; I refuse to enter the fight.  While vial accusations and ugly words are slung my way, I refuse to throw back.  I seem like an easy target, I guess.  On the contrary, let me assure you that my silence does not make me weak, my restraint makes me strong.  Take note, those of you who chose to speak with bitterness and disdain, my ability to hold my tongue and pray for peace instead says more about my character than anything you could ever say about me.  It is in this place I find my strength, my ability to find peace, and ultimately joy.

And that is my prayer for society as a whole.  That you find peace and joy.  It seems that many live in a place of darkness; governed by hatred, anger, and despair.  In that place there is no room for true joy, and that makes me sad. 

I pray for that world of equilibrium...where no one race, gender, belief or political party thinks themselves superior...where the rights of one do not outweigh the rights of others...where words are meant to heal and lift, not demean or disgrace...where love reigns supreme...that is my hope for the world....to find HUMANITY.


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