The adventure begins!!

As a family, minus the oldest who has to stay in college this week, we made the decision to spend spring break doing what every teenager loves...working. So, this morning we boarded the church bus with 11 other people and are headed to New Jersey.

The weather report shows highs in the upper 50s for the week. So, as the kids text, Facebook, face time, snap chat, kik... you get the idea, their friend from sunny Florida, we prepare with jeans, sweatshirts and work boots. Does this make me a bad parent???? Sometimes I wonder. But, kids are all smiles this morning. Ready be begin the newest adventure we call life in the VK family. Never a dull moment! That is for sure:)

We walk into this week with hearts and arms wide open to whatever it is God has in store for us. We love you Lord and ask for you blessing!

So, wish us luck! Pray for safety and peace! And, join us on this adventure!!!
