My '50 by 50' List

As Promised, I have composed (and am sharing) my 50 by 50 list.  I choose not to call it a 'bucket list' for a couple reasons.  First, I would like to complete them while I am still able to enjoy the experiences and the memories (and in my family, the longevity of the memory gene is not on our side). And second, I have a hard time thinking about death and dying, hence my '50 list'.
50 things to do before I turn 50!
  1. Run a 5k  (Reagan and I did the Hot Chocolate Run in Chicago - 11/12)
  2. Run a marathon (or at least a half)
  3. Complete  a Triathlon – the small kind J
  4. Have a family date at least once a month (movies and pizza at home count!) Good thing for family movie night!
  5. Lose the extra pounds (but, be healthy doing it… 145 here I come!) Not 145 (by a long shot!-but discovered Whole 30, which made me the healthiest I have been in a long time :)
  6. Get more organized
  7. Weekly date lunches with Kraig (maybe date nights once a month even!) Before I went to full-time, this was our ritual every Wednesday.  Miss that!
  8. Send birthday cards
  9. Read more! Audio books count too right?  I have read at least two a month in 2017!
  10. Do something inspiring
  11. Write more notes to the kids and surprise them with them
  12. Spend a holiday that includes my siblings Spent Thanksgiving with the sibs and Mom before she passed away
  13. Meet up and see my friends from the past At several funerals and a couple birthday parties
  14. Do my Christmas/birthday shopping early I was done a whole week early this year! 
  15. Visit Mackinac Island
  16. Entertain more
  17. Host a Halloween party
  18. Host a New Years Eve party
  19. Iron more often
  20. Floss
  21. Take an enrichment class Kraig and I did a cooking class at Fustinis and the kids just gave us another one for Christmas!
  22. Go to the Drive-in Been a few years, but we did it :)
  23. Stop hitting the snooze button
  24. Create a scrapbook for each of the kids
  25. Take a cooking class. I can cook, but I think it would be nice to learn something new Kraig and I did a cooking class at Fustinis and the kids just gave us another one for Christmas!
  26. Make homemade pasta It was a fail, but I did it
  27. Go to a University of Michigan football game at the ‘Big House’ Yay!!!  The kids LOVED it!!
  28. Spend more time with my parents This one took place in an unfortunate way.  Spent LOTS of time with Mom in the hospital, until she passed away.  Now they are both gone and this one has to be off the list.
  29. Go skydiving with Ashtyn (YIKES!!!!)
  30. Tour a winery on the west coast
  31. Take a self defense class
  32. Take a real day off (no email, phone or laundry J)
  33. Write a blog ('Tales of a Cranky Princess' 12/12)
  34. Read the Bible everyday Two years running!
  35. Smile more
  36. Get Christmas cards printed and in the mail the day after Thanksgiving
  37. Write a Christmas letter again 2015! using hastags :)
  38. Walk the dog at least twice a week (even in the winter)
  39. Find an outdoor winter activity
  40. Take a weekend away with Kraig Drummond Island 2018
  41. Take Reagan out to dinner, just us! Love you Rea!!!
  42. Take Tyce out to dinner, just us!  (J Yes, 32 and 33 should share a number, I am stretching) Love you too Tyce! and introducing you to Five Guys :)  Although that may have been a mistake....hahaha!
  43. Do the 3-day for Susan G. Koman
  44. Run the GR Mud Run (and actually complete the WHOLE thing J)
  45. Complain less (even about my weight!)
  46. Write a personal mission statement Done! and posted on the blog.
  47. Coordinate a 5k Run/Walk for the Esther School Raised a little of $1000, even after all the stumbles!
  48. Get my CCW Got this for Kraig for Christmas and we did it together!
  49. Get my CDL
  50. Be a joyful giver at church
