Happy New Year!

Well, the New Year is underway…. Not sure yet if that statement should be followed by an exclamation point of a sigh… the jury is still out, stay tuned J

I don’t know about you, but I am not the greatest at New Year’s Resolutions (which probably says all kinds of things about my personality and lack of long-term commitment skills) but I tend to make one or two every year, claiming ‘this will be the year I stick to it!’ 

Two years ago I made the resolution to read through the entire Bible in chronological order.  Believe it or not, which most of my close friends chose that later, I did it!  It was a HUGH accomplishment for me.  Three days until the end, my church announced that they were challenging the congregation to read through the Bible in chronological order together…. REALLY?!?  What are the odds, right?  Well, I didn’t make the commitment to do it in back to back years, but I am making that commitment again THIS year.  J  (That’s me, always the rebel.)  I have convinced my husband to join in as well.  I am challenging my children too, but I think they suffer from my commitment disorder (that, or they are just normal teenagers) and are not over enthusiastic.  So, let’s all say a little prayer that God will take this experience and make it meaningful to the entire family.  I trust that He can, and pray that He will.

My second resolution is for health.  I usually say I will ‘lose 40 pounds this year’ or ‘I will exercise more’.  Well, not this year!  This year, I just want to get a better handle on my health.  I would love to work out more, but sometimes I simply lack the motivation to strap on the shoes and hit the treadmill, especially when the results I want are not coming fast enough.  I lose focus… anyone with me on that one?  I tend to, you guessed it, get a little cranky… and eat everything I can find.  Believe it or not, it doesn’t really make me feel better (but don’t try to tell me that while I’m holding that piece of pizza… just ask my husband).  So, this year, I just want to get a little healthier.  I made some pretty positive changes last year and would just like to continue those and maybe add a few new ones.  Nothing too drastic: just skip that evening snack more often or cutting out popcorn at the movie theater.  Small changes that will, in the end, make for a healthier, happier me.

And, since I just made this big speech about being healthy, my next post is going to be about making Dutch pig in the blankets.  Which, if you know Dutch ‘pigs’ you know are anything but healthy.  My daughter and I recently made a batch and took pictures of the entire process so that I could share this fun, slightly sticky recipe. 

Happy New Year!


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