Hello World!

Okay, so what you might ask qualifies me to write a blog and how do I darecall myself a princess? Let me explain...

First and foremost, my name Jody and I have zero qualifications to write orpublish a blog, but I am going to anyway (that's just the way I am). I am aMarketing Coordinator in Holland, Michigan that graduated from Grand ValleyState University. One of my minors (that is a story for another day)is English and I have always loved to write (and read) so that is where mydesire to do this comes from (well, that and my 50 by 50 list... again a storyfor another day... wow, just like that, two more blog post ideas!)

Anyway, back to the original question... What makes me a princess? I am thedaughter of the King of Kings and THAT is what makes me aprincess. Though there is no tiara (at least not yet), I AMindeed a princess. So, what makes me a cranky princess? Just abouteverything.... yep, I finally admitted it. I am a bit of a perfectionist (according to my children at least) andsince nothing in life is every perfect, I tend to be cranky a lot.

But, enough about that, I don’t want to turn you off too quickly.  So, let’s start with the positive list.  A quick way for you to get to know me is by knowingthe top 10 things that give me the greatest joy.  So, let’s start there:
1.         Serving my Lord and Savior,Jesus Christ – yep, I am one of thosepeople

2.         Being a wife – although I amnot very good at it most days, it does bring me joy

3.         Being a Mom – (reread explanationabove, but I work on being better every day)

4.         Cooking – I find being inthe kitchen very therapeutic (and cheaper than an actual therapist)

5.         GEMS – which stands forGirls Everywhere Meeting the Savior

6.         A Clean House – although theactual cleaning part, I dislike VERY much

7.         My Dog – which contradicts#6 (he sheds like crazy – YUCK!)

8.         My Job – some days are muchless interesting than others, but the people are pretty amazing

9.         My Country – I love thisland of ours, even though I can hardly watch the news without
               yelling things atthe TV (and yet, they never listen….hmph…)

10.       Baseball – I am a DetroitTigers fan, win or lose (but winning is SOOOOOO much better!!!)
I hope that in the days to come, as we bumble through this crazy littleexperiment, I can bring you a smile or two and that you can appreciate seeingthe world through a different set of eyes. And when I say different, I mean slightly off-kilter.
Thanks for joining me!


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